Thursday, May 1, 2014

... And somehow the day ended at McDonald's

And so, faced with a need to unburn the 400-500 calories I needlessly burned running today, I took advantage of a trip to McDonald's--which I'm sure Meb, Ryan Hall, Shalene Flanagan and all the other gods of running do on a daily basis.  I should point out here and now that, aside from my beautiful girlfriend, I live with two kids.  Want to guess how much they love the playground at McDonald's?  If you guessed "more than anything else in the known universe," you would be correct.  Normally, though, I don't order fries, McFlurry and a diet f-ing coke; in fact, I don't order anything, save for the occasional unsweetened iced coffee.  (note: despite the poor food choice this evening, my postprandial blood sugar was only 127).

Today's run was interesting as I didn't have any real running fuel, and didn't have the time to get any either.  So I fueled up on a potato scone. Shockingly, I didn't have a particularly good run. 33 minutes and 5.5k.  The pace was deliberately slow, of course; but the point was really just to get my body used to running everyday again (given the lack of continuity in April).

This was another run through Forest Grove. The temp was a fairly warm 20c.

This was an interesting little path from the park to a nearby street.

On another note, the Saskatchewan Marathon is 24 days away!  I'm running the 5K event, thankfully.  Not sure how competitive I'm going to be.  But we shall see.

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