Now that I've spent the past few weeks easing into the Bulletproof diet, it is time to head into the ketogenic fire. As a diabetic I suspect I will have an easier time replacing glucose with fat as my primary fuel source. Why? My body doesn't do a very good job removing excess glucose from my blood stream anyway, so my belief is that I probably won't have issues with "brain fog" (essentially when the brain does not have enough glucose to function properly).
Adapting to being in ketosis is the toughest part because of the fatigue that comes along side it--assuming you're not replacing the water and electrolytes that are inevitably lost when you cut carbohydrate consumption.
During my last carb cut I went into "keto flu" without even realizing it. Only after a fairly rigorous search of the Bulletproof forums did I find that keto flu even existed. So this time around I'm going to be getting my potassium from raw blackstrap molasses, avocados and a potassium supplement. All of which are excellent sources of potassium. Sodium is easy to replace with pink Himalayan salt. Calcium and magnesium will require supplements for now, though bone broth will help with the latter.
A note about bone broth: my god, I hate the taste of it. But it's got collagen protein and is apparently a favourite of the BP diet.
I've shared a YouTube video that deals with ketosis (see above).
If you're not familiar with Ketosis, WebMD explains it:
Ketosis is a normal metabolic process, something your body does to keep working. When it doesn't have enough carbohydrates from food for your cells to burn for energy, it burns fat instead. As part of this process, it makes ketones.
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