Intrepid Dezine Half Marathon
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Distance: 21K (Half Marathon)
Time: 2:06:40
Pace: 9:36
Best Split: 8:17
10k: 54:59 (PR)
Rank: 1511/3127
Post race meal: Chocolate milk, sun chips, banana, half whole wheat bagel.
Comments: Another rainy race. We started at six minutes after 7am--the delay was owed to a vehicle that stalled on the course. All-in-all, I found it easier to run in Winnipeg than in Saskatoon, and was headed to a new personal record when near disaster struck about 3/4 of the way through. Thanks to a build up of lactic acid, my quads and hamstrings really suffered, making it difficult to run. Ultimately the IT band on my right left became an issue. I had banked enough time early on that I still consider my time (2:06) respectable given the circumstances. The course started at the University of Manitoba and wound up Pembina into a residential section. Runners were met along the route by a lot of locals with signs--a few even wanted to slap us five as we ran by.
The aid stations were more numerous and more useful than was the case at the Saskatoon Police Half Marathon. Water and Gatorade were available, as were soaked sponges; at one point, volunteers were handing out sticks with Vaseline (for chaffing). I used the aid stations primarily as a walk break--the theory being that my legs would hold up better. Alas, my theory was wrong, as lactic acid flowed in.
I stayed hydrated by drinking water with GU Brew. I fueled with Salted Caramel GU (3 packs total- take once before the race, and twice during). All-in-all, I never felt tired.
We crossed the finish line on a running track in a stadium. Although I didn't sprint, I did greatly pick up the pace at the end, and crossed at 2:06:40.
I've certainly never hurt so much after a race. Part of the reason for this (and for the one week delay between this post and my previous post) is that I've been under the weather. First with a cold, then with gastroenteritis (which followed immediately after my previous race). Clearly, when you're just getting over an illness, you're not necessarily going do your best. However, sometimes you find out who you are when you keep running after realizing that there won't be a PR.
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