Friday, October 10, 2014

I ran a 3:29 kilometer.... fact or fiction?

So I feel like I'm beginning to really figure some things out.  While massaging my right hamstring the other day I noticed a sore spot in the middle... a few moments of thumbing it alleviated my knee pain. Interesting.

Today's run lasted 5.3k--an odd number, but I decided to assess my performance every 5 kilometers or so.  Just as I was about to do my first assessment, I felt a sharp pain in the fibular head on my right leg. Workout: over.

But while I was running (along an L-shaped path that follows alongside Circle Drive) I realized I probably wasn't going to be running too much today, and so I decided to do a few 500 meter intervals in order to get my heart rate elevated.  I haven't been terribly happy running long distances at slow speeds with pounding pain in my legs.

And evidently I ran a 3:29 kilometer, according to Runtastic.  Although I don't consider myself terribly fit right now, I'm definitely fit enough to run what amounts to a 5:35 per mile pace for at least a few minutes.  Whether Runtastic was off or not doesn't really matter, I really was hauling ass for a bit.

All-told I ran pretty fast (26-ish minute 5k) for a training run with a taped ankle and nagging hamstring.

Happy Thanksgiving! (er, it's almost Thanksgiving here in Canada).

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