It's not often that a problem or running injury will be solved unwittingly, or simply vanish from existence, but that's happened with me. By not stretching my right hamstring post-run (er, or pre-run for that matter) I not having any more pain running. Now, this is one aspect of my running game--I had to make quite a few adjustments. So there.
I've also been making great use of the Saskatoon Public Library and discovered the work of Anthony Bidulka, whose private detective novels are set in Saskatoon. I've got a queue of books a mile long, including novels by Salmon Rushdie (Fury), John Updike (Memories of the Ford Administration) as well as a few by Nicholson Baker, the aforementioned Anthony Bidulka and Sara Gruen.
Today's run was a brisk five kilometres around Forest Grove. A glutton for change, I decided to mimic a particular marathoner's arm swinging motion, and this resulted in my running a fairly blistering pace over the first few kilometres. But yes, I neglected to remove my glasses before I left the house, forgot my headband as well. But you know what? Who cares.
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