Saturday, February 13, 2016

Adventures in cross-training: the bike commute

So the other day I was starting my car when a funny thing happened: the car died.  Me being me, I took the key off the ring and tossed it aside.  "Screw this," I bristled, "I'm going to bike to work from now on."  And today, I did just that.  Granted, I only went into the office for a few hours (it's Saturday, after all), but I did technically work.  My odyssey was a tad over 21 kilometres, took about 2 hours and resulted in about 1100 calories burned.
Ten kilometres per hour is not a particularly fast speed, but on ice and snow, it's not bad.  I learned that riding on the Saskatchewan Crescent side of the trail is much more difficult than riding on the Spadina Crescent side.  I also learned studded tires are a god-send.  I owe a special thanks to Bike Doctor at 623 Main Street in Saskatoon for doing such a terrific job providing and installing their house brand studded winter tires.
And by the way, studded bike tires have incredible grip and provide a piece of mind when biking on icy surfaces.  I may one day become a fat bike convert, but for today I'm happy with my BRC mountain bike from the '90's.

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