Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The road to recovery: strength training (or How to recover from IT band syndrome)

Imagine this: you're running a half marathon, when at the 15k point you're knee begins to hurt like hell causing you to stop/slow down/gut it out hellishly.  Now fast forward to the moment your physician/google/your running pal tells you you have something called IT Band Syndrome.

ITBS is considered an overuse injury, and usually (but not always) occurs when you overtrain -- i.e. break the cardinal rule of increasing your running by more than 10%.

Obviously you need to incorporate rest into your recovery, but don't forget to cross train!

I got ITBS exactly one month ago while running a half marathon in Winnipeg.  I was on track for a PR, too.

My recovery consisted of two weeks of mostly rest (save for some cross training).  I did run 13.1 very hard miles, after all.  Now I'm hitting the gym 3-4 times per week and am diligently working on increasing the strength in my legs, and am starting to see results.  Last night I ran 1.5 miles (my longest distance since the half marathon).

Last night's leg session went thusly:

set 1 (warm up): Squats with barbell.  90lbs. 10 reps.  Note: I go pretty slowly on the way back up.
set 2: Squats with barbell, 150lbs 10 reps.
set 3 and 4: Squats with barbell, 160lbs 10 reps. Note: this amount of weight produces enough workout of my glutes and hamstrings that I feel it later.

My one rep max is still unknown to me.  But I've already done reps at 200lbs.  I still want to know my max. :)

I also did bicep curls... nothing special.  27.5lbs in each arm. 3 sets, 10 reps.

The kicker is that I began my session with the 1.5 mile run on the treadmill with a knee brace on the affected knee.

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