Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Coffee Crisp McFlurrys, Running Room Gift Card and a new Bike!

I'm not sure if this is Canada-wide, but it would seem that McDonald's has shaken up the ever popular market for junk food with its Coffee Crisp McFlurry.  As you know, your body uses a great deal of glycogen when you run long distances--as such, it doesn't quite hurt as badly when you can use this as an excuse for having a McFlurry.  And hey, my blood sugar is under total control, so yeah... the Coffee Crisp McFlurry happened.  Too bad it sucked...

In other important news, I still haven't figured out what to use my $25 Running Room Gift Card on.  I might add that I got the gift card for winning a 5k, so using it on candy bars isn't the direction I want to take it.
Lastly, I have a bicycle now... yes!  That means I'll be doing plenty of cross training.

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